I KNOW I KNOW....my blogging skills are not what they should be at the moment. However I will still play the "new to this" card and hope to get away with it for a few more months and then when the baby is born play the "but I have a new baby at home," card. Actually that second one
isnt going to work with my family and friends....
Darnt! Anyhow to give a quick recap, since we've been back from Germany things have slowed down a little....
atleast travel wise.
Since we were all pretty exhausted we decided to stay home for the Holidays and have a small family Christmas. Although we missed our Texas family..it was nice to be home with Niki Christmas morning when he opened all his presents. We weren't sure if he would really get it being a little over 16 months....but he caught on pretty quick. Everything by the tree went to him, simple enough. Cant wait to see him next year!
We also found out in the beginning of December that we are definitely having a little girl in May!
Liliana Victoria
Ahrens or Lily for short will be the newest addition to our little
Ahrens family.
Anyhow, that's a short recap of our December..felt
alot busier than what it looks like on screen.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday Season! Happy New Year!
Ryan, Sascha, Niki and Lily on the way...